Your Credit Report

Have you viewed your credit report recently?
Whether you have debt or not, you should pull your credit report to verify the information on your report is correct.  There can sometimes be mistakes, particularly if two family members have the same name.

Pulling your own credit report is free and it doesn't hurt your score.

What's in a credit report?
There are a lot of companies who send information about you to credit bureaus.  They compile information about loans you have taken out, even co-signed on, and report on your repayment of that loan.  When loans don't get repaid according to the terms, they may report negatively such as missed or late payments.    

What you need to know

There are several places you can get your credit report for FREE.  
There are three major credit bureaus collecting credit information: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
They each offer one free credit report per year at their websites.  You can also link to all three of their sites by going to
You can view a somewhat generic credit report, with the information being provided typically from one or two of the major bureaus at
Credit Karma also provides a score at no cost. 

(I do not receive any affiliate income for these suggestions.  I recommend them because they are credible and free to you.)