Money Habits and Mindset

Regain Control of Your Finances

I sat down with Sherry Lou Miller to have a casual conversation about money habits, money mindset, and our money stories. We both agree that change starts with awareness. So, in order to change your finances, you have to know where you are starting from. Your past doesn't determine your future. If you want something different, do something different!

Here's what we talked about:  

00:00 - Intro
00:27 - What is a Financial Coach
01:35 - Spending Tracker/Spending Habits
03:42 - Awareness/Spending Habits
08:25 - Financial Family Tree/Money Stories/Money Habits
16:25 - Debt Stories
21:20 - Spending Personalities
22:30 - What's the mindset behind your spending habits
24:03 - Where's your money going? Why?
28:50 - Minimize impulse spending. Stop and consider before making a purchase.
30:10 - How much are your hobbies costing you?
34:18 - Triggers
37:50 - If you have reduced your spending, do you miss the activity/item
38:45 - Did my money habits impact my children's spending habits
40:04 - Spending Personality Quizzes
42:40 - Growing up in the same house - different money habits
44:40 - Self awareness as it relates to money
48:00 - Benefits of a Financial Coach
53:19 - One tip for changing your finances
56:55 - Teri's contact information