Why You Overspend : Relationships

relationships cause overspending

How can you connect without spending so much money?

Sometimes spending isn't just about impulse or feeling like you deserve it.  When I look back on why I spent so much during a period of my life, I realized I was struggling in my marriage, and I used restaurants as a band-aid. Can you relate? If you can take a look at the deeper reasons why - you can learn how to stop overspending while still making meaningful connections with others. 

HINT: This goes beyond romantic relationships.  Friends influence spending too!

In This Episode We Cover

  • Relationship struggles and how spending doesn't fix the root problem
  • Looking at your friend group to see how they influence your spending and socializing
  • Volunteering: Doesn't cost a thing, feeds the soul, and you meet other like-minded volunteers!
  • How inexpensive hobbies can teach your kids, friends or family a valuable lesson.

If you want to take the next step to figure out how to stop overspending, jump on a call with me! One-on-one coaching is a direct way to tackle what's happening in your life.  

? Check out this video about Overspending due to Lifestyle Creep